Saturday, July 18, 2009

Photos on the way!

Since we've had no news about our adoption, specifically, since our dossier went to Ethiopia almost two months ago... (except for problems with our fingerprinting - did you know typing a lot can "mar" your fingers and cause you to fail fingerprinting appts! not to mention, getting rear-ended in Oklahoma City when we went for the appointment, and having to amend our homestudy because there was a tiny error that the Homeland Security folks found, after sending the wrong fee to the Immigration Department, and addressing the fingerprinting application to an incorrect address - wow, who knew you could have so many problems with a fingerprinting appointment!) anyway, the rant is over :) But all that to say, our fingerprints have not passed yet. Not sure what that will mean for our paperwork already there. I'm not really sure about that. I think maybe it's most important when we're ready to travel. ???

We were contacted today by a family that is traveling to Ethiopia next week to pick up their new daughter, and we requested some new photos of Samuel and Lydia since they will visit our orphanage. So exciting! So we may have some new photos in three weeks or so. Plus, we'll be able to send Lydia a new letter from our family. We were able to send a small gift bag with a letter 6 weeks ago after we accepted the referrals, but we don't know if/when they got the gifts. Probably just recently. We also sent a disposable camera with the gift bag, so we may get those photos back sometime soon too.


All my kids have beds!

Aha! We are buying a crib this weekend. We, being the kind folks that we are, gave our last crib to a man doing some hauling for us who had just had his third child. Thus, we were "cribless". One of my sister-in-laws in Kansas City who has a children's consignment sale twice a year (kind of like Just Between Friends) located a crib and a changing table for us. So now all my children have beds! Yeah, Just need to get our kids home now to their new beds!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Apparently courts won't close! :)

I understand that the Ethiopian courts will not "officially" close this "rainy season". Not sure why, I hope it's not because there is little anticipated rain. That would be a very bad deal for them, since they are greatly in need of rain. But for our adoption, it might mean us getting a court date, sooner than later. So good news, all in all.

Still need to pray for their infrastructure. They have blackouts for many hours of each day - up to 18 hours and thus businesses have been greatly affected. Some can't stay in business because of these major problems.

For a country that has had so many struggles, it's really bad news. I remembered when I traveled to Bulgaria in 1990 with YWAM that there were periods of the day when the family we stayed with had no electricity. At age 20, I couldn't really understand how a country could deal with that inconvenience. But the more I learn, I begin to understand more than half the world's population deals with such inconveniences/problems everyday.

We have it so good here! God bless the U.S.A. - bless us and help us count our blessings and in turn, bless others. That's my prayer.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July is half over!

I just realized as I was typing up an email to friends about the adoption, that our official paperwork went to Ethiopia 1 1/2 months ago. Wow! I guess there is still hope that the kids will be home in 2009.

Again, to recap. We are waiting on a court date/s - we anticipate a few before our case passes and the kids are officially Emorys! I try to stay busy (yeah, a concept for me!) and pray a lot so I don't stress out too much. God's in control and I can't wait to see how He orchestrates all the particulars to get the kids home and see us as a family of 7.

Lydia has been at a Girl Scout camp this week. Her good friend asked her to go, and although we thought she might be a bit young, she was "up for it" & seems to be having a good time from the postcard we got today. (Really weird that they allow almost no contact with child during the week - although we are allowed to email her and they print the emails and give them to her in the mornings). We will pick her up in two days.

Elise and Graham and I have been hanging out when I've not been working - and I told Elise tomorrow is "her day" - we'll do whatever she wants to do as long as we stay at home - I anticipate it might be a "movie marathon" day. We'll let Graham tag along I said.

We are all traveling to Texas the last week of July for fun in the sun! Ha. Better be water involved since Texas is, inconceivably, hotter than Oklahoma. Yes, we're in the "dog days of summer" - numerous, consecutive days over 100 degrees!

But, I'm not complaining, because this winter was much, much too long!

Thank you, God, for the sun!
I guess that's all for now.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hello World!

Hi friends!

I said I'd never get a Wii, an I-Phone, or join Facebook, - now it looks like I'm going to become a blogger. It is a new world! (but I'm holding out on the I-Phone and I still have a landline) I'm mainly starting a blog so those of you who are interested can read what I know about the adoption process here, rather than me bombarding you with emails.

My passions are learning about other cultures, teaching English to the wonderful immigrants I've gotten to meet, snuggling with my kids, learning about diseases related to poverty, advocating for children with HIV, and reaching out to orphans. God has been so good to let me be involved in all these areas - my passions. Wow! But maybe they were His passions to start out with. Pretty cool - that I'm in tune enough to feel like they were just my own desires.

I have three beautiful, wonderful, unique children. And we are so fortunate to be adding nine-year old Lydia #2 to our family as well as baby Samuel (13 months) - finalized name to be determined. Although the name "Samuel" is pretty nice. Names are so important - so I won't belabor that point. (Besides the fact that my husband and I aren't totally "synced" on the names for the baby) It's all up for change anyway.

Todd and I celebrate our 10th year of wonderful marital bliss next month - yeah, the first five years I wouldn't call marital bliss. Ha. Yeah, this is year number 15. Todd is a wonderful patient man who has put up with much from being married to a Pfanstiel. Yes, there is Grace in the world! He also gave me the gift on Mother's Day this year of being able to say "Yes" to two beautiful children from Ethiopia instead of one now, one later. Truly a gift!

I've been teaching 11 years for the YWCA Multicultural Center here in Tulsa - teaching ESL that is - yeah, not the computer language, but the Second Language as in ENGLISH. I've been blessed to meet many interesting, beautiful folks through this experience. I kind of fell into this job when I finished my Master's Degree from OSU in 1994 and love teaching Adult education. It's truly a gift to be teaching students who want to be in class! Also, I've been teaching at night so I could homeschool during the day.

I also work part-time for my dad who is a pediatrician here in town. That's been a blessing to be involved in helping him and working flexible hours, most at home.

In the past we've hosted international students in our home as "homestay" students. That was wonderful - we've become fans of Korean food and real Russian food and have met some "new family members" . We'll probably be taking a break from that now, as we'll soon have five children! Wow, never knew I'd be that mom - although as I think back upon childhood wishes - I always wanted to be a mom. And a teacher. Worked out pretty well.

We have been homeschooling for the past few years, but I'm kind of at the end of myself regarding homeschooling this year. Need to get this house cleaned from top to bottom before our new children come home. I'm scared about this transition to school, so I won't talk about it - I've changed my mind about twice a day, since we considered putting the 3 in our neighborhood school this year. But if all goes as plans, I'll be enrolling them tomorrow.

Yeah, kind of looks like I had four jobs last year - trouble is that was really the case. But God's grace was there. I didn't shout at my kids every day! Might want to add I love being busy. In case you didn't notice.

Well, I know many are interested in the adoption - so I'll try to post what I can about that.

We are waiting for a court date for our Ethiopian beauties - although it might be a little while, since Ethiopia is having major infrastructure issues (ie. electricity outages) and August and September are usually the rainy season where I understand the roads are basically impassable thus court is not in session. So realistically, we won't have a court date until, at earliest, October.

After we pass court, (which typically doesn't occur on the first court date) - we'll travel within two months to get our kids.

I'm pretty "laissez faire" about the adoption process - I can't control any of it; so I just pray as much as I can. We do want to get our kids home as soon as we can though so they can access some more consistent healthcare which they are in need of.

Thanks for reading this far.

You may not see much more from me until the kids are in school in a month.